Thursday, April 28, 2016

Knitting for a day

Knitting retreat day

To go away for the day with people you enjoy, to do something you all share and enjoy is pure bliss.  I went to an acquaintance's home today with two other friends to knit.  There ended up being about 10 of us and it was such a pleasure to meet other people who knit and enjoy it as much as I do.

Knitting can be such a solitary activity that I forget how much fun it is to get together with other people to knit.  Everyone had projects to show and share, projects to get advice on, and projects to work on without being interrupted by everyday life. We set aside the day to just knit.

I think the best thing about knitting is that at the end of project you have met so many needs. First, you use your brain to figure out how to make whatever it is you are making. Second, you get to shop or go through what you already own (stashed) to see what you want to make your project out of. Third, you get to actually make something with your own hands how many even do that anymore? Fourth you have a useful item when you are done. It is just a bonus when you get to knit with others; you get a synergy from being with other people who know exactly how hard what you are doing is to do.  They appreciate the challenge and cheer you on your way.  One lady was working on a sweater and wasn't sure if it was going to be the right size.  I thought it looked awfully small, and we guessed that it really was going to be small. As she was ripping it out one of the other ladies said, try it on now so you'll know how far off you are.  She did just that and it was the perfect size.  Only other knitters will appreciate the collective groan heard throughout that room (you groaned a little too just now too, didn't you)? She ripped out something perfectly good because 10 people "thought" it was too small, so much for group think, but she had the benefit of knowing she was no alone in her mistaken belief.

Going anywhere during the week to do something that isn't in your usual routine is fun for me and if it is travel or knitting it becomes pure joy.

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