Everyday I try to sit down and write10 random ideas and a 400 word essay. Generally I write about whatever is on mind that day, but when I get stuck for ideas I try to choose a theme. I had a counselor once who would ask why when we were talking about a subject. Every time I would finish a thought she would ask why I thought that. The whys would go on until I had exhausted the topic. It forced me to really dig deep and thoroughly investigate an idea or plan or even just a feeling.
Therefore when I am facing, what I call idea block, I stop and work through the same process as if Leah were continually asking me why.
Other ways to generate ideas is to ask question and try to answer the question. For example, why does it take a year to lose 40 pounds but only a month or two to regain the weight. If you start searching the internet, and you stay on topic, you can find hundreds of great sources and write a summary of them.
Naturally you can always write an opinion piece based on something going on in the news, the world, or simply your neighbor or life. These are frequently the most interesting because what you find interesting and then commit to writing are often ideas or issues others are grappling with and want to explore. The mere act of writing things down makes you think more clearly and helps you sort out your thoughts on whatever topic comes to mind. Our opinions can just be the cumulation of our experiences or they can be based on extensive research and then synthesized to make the most sense to ourselves.
Writing can be random or a way to solve a problem. The act of making myself write everyday requires a certain amount of discipline and adds some structure to a fairly structureless life. I think anything that makes me force myself to think is a good thing.
5 hours ago